Πέμπτη 13 Μαρτίου 2014

Η Ευρωπαική Επιτροπή μπροστά σε δύσκολες αποφάσεις και πίεση από το κίνημα των πολιτών κατά της ιδιωτικοποίησης του νερού.


European Federation of Public Service Unions

Dear all,

Please find attach a news cutting from the Brussels based press about the decision of the European Commission not to act upon our European Citizens Initiative. We have already written to the EC saying that it is a scandal that they inform the world through leaked documents and we had scheduled a meeting tomorrow at 14h with Sefcovic Cabinet. We will argue as we did at the hearing and the meeting with the EC.

We would like to ask you to get ready for a massive mobilization for next week in the event that the news of the European Voice is true. Some organisations have already tweeting about this scandalous way of acting.

If you have planned something for world water day, please use the issue to mobilise and if not, maybe this can encourage you to do it.

Please keep us informed about your plans, we will keep you informed about the development in the coming days.
Policy Staff - Officer, Communications, Public Relations, Liaison with the EP and Youth.